CBSC Affilated
(0542) 2985134, (0542) - 9044447614

CBSE Affiliated

CBSE Affiliated upto class 12th

Pass Criteria

For class XI, the student has to pass in all subjects in the session ending examination. He/she may be given a second chance to appear again in one subject in which the student fails. The second chance will also be treated as defaulters' examination for genuine cases

Criteria for Class XI has been included in rules

For classes IX and XI, the pass criteria would be the same as laid down in Examination By-Laws of CBSE for Class X and XII.
Marks awarded in Project, Assignment, Unit Test and Cumulative Test will not be included in calculation of the final pass percentage but a student has to obtain a minimum satisfactory level of at least 33% marks in aggregate of the Project, Assignment and Unit Tests, to be eligible for declaration of the final results.
o pass the examination, a pupil must obtain at least 33% marks in aggregate of each subject. In class XI, in subjects involving practical, a pupil must obtain 33% marks in theory and 33% marks in practical separately.
A pupil failing in one subject in Class XI will be placed in Compartmental Examination. The Compartmental Examination will be held after two weeks of the declaration of the result.

Defaulter's Examination

If a student fails to appear in Annual Examination due to genuine medical problem or any other valid reason, he/she should furnish supporting documents with application within a specified date for Defaulter's Examination. After due verification by School Examination Committee, he/she may be given ONE chance to appear in Defaulter's Examination which may be arranged along with the Compartmental Examination. The criteria of passing marks will remain same as fixed for the Session Ending Examination.