Tulsi Vidya Niketan School also believe that each child is different, born with a unique set of natural abilities and thus strive to develop their individual cognitive skills by encouraging them in all respects. We aim to go all out to provide the best opportunities to our students to gain prowess in sports, performing and visual arts, oratory skills, art or other skills of their interest. Apart from this, we at TVN Nagawa Varanasi also stress very seriously upon environment conservation and protection. We make sure that our students are aware of their responsibilities towards maintenance of the ecological balance through the various activities that we have amalgamated with the curriculum and conduct all through the year.
Total Students
We have an excellent teacher to child ratio at our school to ensure that each child receives the attention he or she needs.
We have an excellent teacher to child ratio at our Kindergarten to ensure that each child receives the attention he or she needs.
Several awards in sports and scholastic areas .
Several awards in sports and scholastic areas .
TVN School aims at nurturing individuals with paramount values and multivalent competencies. This lofty ideal is accomplished by virtue of a dynamic curriculum that envisions not only academic but a wholesome all round development of the child, his character and personality, aesthetic refinements, effective skills and the art of living.
We embark on the mission of creating individuals who are confident about their potential and are Goal oriented, sensitive to their environment above all,co-creators of their own destiny. Our aim is to help a child realize his/ her inner strength and give him a conducive environment to grow & evolve as a good social being and a global citizen.